The Red Green Wiki

In addition to the many characters seen on The Red Green Show, there are also a number of unseen characters who play significant roles in the show's plotlines. These "pseudo-characters" are frequently mentioned but never actually appear on the show.

Bernice Green

  • Sex: None of your business
  • Eye Color: Piercing
  • Address: Possum Lake Regional Emergency Clinic
  • Weight: (See sex)
  • Date of Birth: Requires a court order
  • Hair Color: Updated monthly
  • Aliases: The Manhandler

Bernice is Red's wife. Through comments by Red himself and most of the cast, Red's marriage to Bernice has been long and healthy, and Red's messages to her at the end of each episode (which frequently include double entendrés) suggest that they still enjoy a good sex life. They do not have any children, and Red seems quite content to keep things that way.

Moose Thompson

Moose Thompson is an extremely large person known to eat just about anything. (In Red's words, "If you put enough hot sauce on it, he'd eat a garden shed.") Possum Lodge members sometimes used him as a synonym for any large, heavy object. He is also described to be "strong as an ox and darn near as smart."

Junior Singleton

  • Sex: Bi-annual
  • Eye Color: Pink
  • Address: Party Central
  • Weight: 10 lbs. less than Senior Singleton, his musician/father
  • Date of Birth: Nine months after Woodstock
  • Hair Color: Beer foam
  • Aliases: The Elbow

Junior Singleton is a member of the Lodge who frequently acts as a go-getter and a firebrand for everyone else. When Red's authority as leader of the Lodge is questioned, it's usually Junior who does the questioning.

Stinky Peterson

  • Sex: No chance
  • Eye Color: Squinty
  • Address: Downwind
  • Weight: Lighter than he smells
  • Date of Birth: Groundhog Day 1943
  • Hair Color: Can't get close enough to tell
  • Aliases: Pepe, A-Bomb, Mace

Stinky Peterson, as his name suggests, is a man with an extremely strong aroma. Nobody really knows exactly why Stinky smells so bad, but he's most frequently blamed for anything that causes a stench around the Lodge (even the non-literal ones). When Red sets up a CB radio system for the Lodge to use in place of telephones, Stinky's code name is "Down-Wind Danger". He is also responsible for a toxic cloud over Possum Lake when he sets his mattress on fire in the episode Survivor.

Buster Hadfield

Buster Hadfield is very unlucky with women. He also takes part in a number of Lodge activities.

Old Man Sedgewick

Old Man Sedgewick is extremely old. Despite this, his parents are apparently still alive as well.

Anne-Marie Humphrey

Anne-Marie is Dalton's wife.

Flinty McClintock

Owns a scrap/salvage yard.

Susie McClintock

Flinty's daughter. She is described as having gone on a sympathy date with Harold, and he occasionally mentions her and writes letters to her (one of which is apparently mixed up in the mail). Her sister, Andrea, wins first prize at a science fair that Harold enters, with an exhibit about fire extinguishers.

Wally Kibler

Known as "Kickback" Kibler, Wally is the mayor of Possum Lake. Red and Harold both run against him in a mayoral election, but Wally wins the race and tries to burn Harold in effigy. In The New Statue, Red reveals that Wally owns a sailboat, giving him a way to keep the mayor out on the lake for longer periods of time.
