Possum 911 is a short segment on The Red Green Show, featuring Red and Harold as they respond to urgent calls from other Possum Lodge members. This is a parody of the classic CBS show Rescue 911, which aired from 1989-1996. The man in trouble calls a 911-like emergency line, and Harold and Red attempt to resolve his crisis over the phone.
This segment ran only during Season 6.
Possum 911 Calls[]
Season 6[]
Episode | Caller | Crisis |
Sedgwick the Tenant | Dougie Franklin | Dougie is starving to death |
The Tax Refund | Unnamed thief (possibly Buzz) | The guys calm down a dog that is trying to stop the thief, who sounds a lot like Buzz but is never named |
The Poker Game | Buzz Sherwood | Buzz is totally lost |
Maxi Golf | Unnamed member | My wife wants to buy a minivan |
The Church Casino | Unnamed member | I hate being a stay-at-home dad |
The Love Boat | Winston Rothschild | Winston won't admit he's lost |
The New Lease | Dalton Humphrey | Dalton is home alone and feeling lonely |
30 Minutes or Free | Unnamed Member
(could be Old Man Sedgewick rumored by some) |
A confused old man calls |
Real Estate | Harold's friend | Having trouble with a video game |
The Suits | Dalton Humphrey |
I've fallen and I can't get up |